Question: What Is a “Medicare Set-Aside” and When Do You Need One? Answer: If you…

Question: I currently receive federal disability benefits and Medicaid. Can I own my own car?…

Question: My wife and I have just become agents under a power of attorney for…

Question: Gifting assets to your grandchildren can do more than help your descendants get a…

Question: Is there a waiting period or penalty if I sell my mother’s house and…

Question: I needed to have surgery while I was negotiating the establishment of a Medicare…

Question: When I first received Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) in 2009, I missed receiving…

Question: Can you prepare a will and special needs trust online without a lawyer? Answer:…

Question: What expenses can’t a special needs trust pay for? Answer: Special needs trusts are…

Question: What happens if a Medicaid recipient in a nursing home marries a healthy bride?…

Question: My 80-year-old mother has memory problems and has been living with my wife and…

Question: My mother pays a lot of money every month for my dad to stay…

Question: I would like to know whether I would qualify for the caretaker exemption under…

Question: What is the difference between Medicaid and Medicare? Answer: People with special needs may…

Question: How can I leave money to a child with special needs? Answer: In almost…

Question: My mother went into a nursing home six years ago after she broke her…

Question: I’m a social worker trying to help a man who needs a skilled nursing…

Question: How can I protect a special needs trust from those who prey on vulnerable…

Question: With a special needs trust that requires Medicaid to be paid back following the…

Question: If the creator of a revocable trust wants to make a beneficiary a co-trustee…

Question: Is there an organization that evaluates pooled trusts and rates them like other charities?…

Question: Can a special needs trust pay for the beneficiary’s doctor-prescribed special diet? Answer: The…

Question: We have a brother with special needs — a documented intellectual disability — who…

Question: If a special needs trust owns the house that the trust beneficiary lives in,…

Question: When an SSI beneficiary loses his government assistance, how do you cash out his…

Question: I have an adult son who receives both Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Medicare. Is…

Question: I have a patient who receives Supplemental Security Income (SSI) but can’t manage her own money. …

Question: Can a special needs trust have more than one trustee at a time? Answer:…

Question: A divorced couple has separate special needs trusts (SNTs) for their two special needs…

Question: Does a gift of $14,000 this year to a special needs trust (SNT) qualify…